Understanding Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

IPF: What is it?

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is an irreversible disease characterized by progressive loss of the ability of the lungs to effectively transport oxygen to the bloodstream due to scarring.1 The cause is unknown.1 With the advent of FDA-approved medicines and ongoing research there is new hope for people with IPF. There is no way to predict how long someone with IPF or other interstitial lung diseases (ILD) will live, but your doctor can give you more detailed information about your prognosis.1 Check out this infographic and test your knowledge about IPF.

The most common symptoms of IPF are:

Shortness of breath1

Persistent dry, hacking cough1

Doctor can hear Velcro-like crackle in the lungs2

in the United States have IPF 3

IPF typically occurs in people

> 50
Years Old4

It tends to affect

More Men

than women4

Test your knowledge on what you just learned in the quiz below:

1. One of the most common symptoms of IPF is1:

Coughing up thick mucus
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms of IPF.

2. Approximately how many people in the U.S. are living with IPF?3

There are currently approximately 200,000 people in the U.S. living with IPF.

3. True or False? IPF typically affects people over 50 years old.4

IPF typically affects people over 50 years old.

IPF: Misdiagnosis is Common

IPF and other ILDs can share symptoms with other forms of respiratory and cardiovascular illness and can be misdiagnosed.5 Check out this infographic and take a short quiz about IPF and how commonly it is misdiagnosed.


of people with ILD, including IPF, reported at least one misdiagnosis,6


reported two or more misdiagnoses6

~14% initially misdiagnosed with asthma6
~13% with pneumonia6
~12% with bronchitis6
~10% with allergies6
~7% with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)6

72% of people with IPF or other ILDs reported that they initially attributed some or all of their respiratory symptoms to advancing age6

A person may see multiple doctors and specialists before receiving a correct diagnosis of IPF6

IPF is difficult to diagnose because:

Lung fibrosis can't always be seen on a regular chest X-ray7

Many other lung and heart diseases cause similar symptoms8,9

People with IPF often have other co-morbidities, including those that may affect their breathing8

Test your knowledge on what you just learned in the quiz below:

1. True or false? Lung fibrosis can usually be seen on a regular chest X-ray.7

Lung fibrosis usually can’t be seen on a regular chest X-ray and requires a special scan called a high-resolution computed tomography scan (HRCT).

2. How many people with IPF or other ILDS were initially misdiagnosed?6

55 percent
25 percent
15 percent
5 percent
More than half of people with IPF are initially misdiagnosed with other forms of cardiovascular or respiratory illness, like COPD or asthma.

3. True or false? Most people are correctly diagnosed with IPF at initial doctor’s visit.6

Many patients are treated for several other conditions before a correct diagnosis of IPF is made.

IPF: Diagnosis and Disease Management

There is no cure for IPF, but a timely diagnosis is a critical factor for disease management since FDA-approved medicines have been shown to slow disease progression.10 Check out this infographic and test your knowledge about why diagnosis is so important.


of people with ILD said consulting a respiratory specialist was the most important contributing factor in obtaining a clear diagnosis6

There is no cure for IPF, but a timely diagnosis is important for disease management; a longer delay in access to respiratory specialist care is associated with an increased risk of death10

Besides a lung transplant, there is unfortunately no cure for IPF at this time. However, there are disease management options for people with IPF, including:

FDA-approved Medications1

Pulmonary rehabilitation1

Lifestyle modifications (e.g., quit smoking)1

Oxygen therapy1

Ask your doctor for more information on lung transplantation and disease management options.

Test your knowledge on what you just learned in the quiz below:

1. Which of the following is not a recognized disease management option for people with IPF?1

Lung transplantation
Lifestyle modification (e.g., quitting smoking)
Using a humidifier
Medicines approved specifically for IPF
While disease management strategies for IPF are highly individualized, lifestyle modifications, lung transplantation, and medicines approved for IPF are all possible options.

2. True or false? Quick diagnosis is important for disease management.10

Quick diagnosis is important for disease management.