Our Diversity & Inclusion Report is now available! Click here.

Diversity & Inclusion

At Genentech, we embrace the increasingly diverse world around us.

Our mission is to be the industry leader to deliver scientific innovations that drive better outcomes for our people, patients, business, and communities by advancing and boldly championing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We’re taking a holistic and intentional approach to D&I, centered around three core pillars:

Fostering Belonging

We are creating an environment where every employee feels valued, included, and able to contribute their best for the patients we serve.

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Advancing Inclusive Research & Health Equity

We are doing our part to build a world where all individuals have equitable access to clinical research and the best quality healthcare.

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Transforming Society

We are investing in diverse supplier partnerships and removing barriers to quality healthcare and STEM education in our communities.

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This is not a moment, it’s a movement. We are now more than ever championing diversity and inclusion to drive better outcomes for our people and patients. Let’s be bold.

Quita Highsmith, Vice-President and Chief Diversity Officer
Meet our Chief Diversity Officer

Our 2025 Commitments


DOUBLE Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx representation of directors and officers and extended leadership

MIRROR Asian representation of directors and officers to that of individual contributors and managers/supervisors

ADDRESS gender representation opportunity zones


ALL MOLECULE TEAMS include population-specific assessments and inclusive research action plans

ESTABLISH GENENTECH as a leader and partner of choice in advancing health equity


ANNUALLY COMMIT $1B of our external spend to Diverse Suppliers

REQUIRE D&I commitments from all suppliers with requests for proposal (RFPs) of $500,000+

CHAMPION Kindergarten to Careers

Our Work In Action

Fostering belonging for our people, advancing inclusive research and health equity for all patients, and investing in transformative partnerships that strengthen D&I across healthcare, education and within all communities.