Andy Watkins - Director - Structural and Computational Biology, Prescient Design, Computational Sciences

Andy Watkins

Director - Structural and Computational Biology, Prescient Design, Computational Sciences

Postdoc Mentor
"It’s a privilege to be able to work on problems both intellectually challenging and societally significant."
Years at Genentech
Publications at Genentech

I joined Genentech in August 2021, when Prescient Design was acquired and incorporated into gRED. My postdoctoral work had been predominantly in RNA structure prediction, and my doctoral work on peptidomimetic design, so I was delighted to start work on biologics, a fairly new topic.

I’ve got a lot to learn!

Postdoctoral Mentor

I think an industry postdoc presents a unique opportunity not available in traditional academic positions: the combination of top-level academic mentorship with a highly resourced environment. It also presents a valuable opportunity to groups like ours: through postdocs, we can pursue basic science projects with significant academic value whose success may accelerate our core projects.

Featured Publication

Geometric deep learning of RNA structure. Science.

2021 Aug 27;373(6558):1047-1051.

Townshend RJL, Eismann S, Watkins AM, Rangan R, Karelina M, Das R, Dror RO.