Simon Kelow - AI Scientist, Prescient Design, Computational Sciences

Simon Kelow

AI Scientist, Prescient Design, Computational Sciences

"As a recipient of life-changing medicine myself, I’m excited to help drive innovation at such an exciting time in human medicine."
Years at Genentech
Awards & Honors

I started my studies in Physics and Astronomy at Northern Arizona University as an undergraduate. My interests shifted from the vast scale of the universe, to the tiny scale of protein structure. My introduction to protein science came during a summer at University of Chicago studying the interaction of myosin and actin proteins. After learning that I’m horrible at wielding pipettes, I dived full throttle into computational methods for studying protein structure and dynamics with a NIH sponsored Post-Baccalaureate program (PREP) in John Karanicolas’ lab at University of Kansas. After graduating with my Ph.D from University of Pennsylvania (advisor Roland Dunbrack) in Molecular Biophysics, I joined Prescient Design to lend expertise in antibody sequence and structure.

Featured Publication

Hiding in plain sight: structure and sequence analysis reveals the importance of the antibody DE loop for antibody-antigen binding

MAbs. 2020 Jan-Dec;12(1):1840005.

Simon P. Kelow, Jared Adolf-Bryfogle & Roland L. Dunbrack.